Final Round
1. Two teams will compete against each other like in the qualifier one.
2. Each round will have duration of 2 minutes. The team which wins two rounds first (each of 2 min) will be declared the winner of the match.
3. The team that pushes the opposition robot out of the arena (i.e. out of the red zone) is declared as the winner of that round.
4. The scoring pattern will be uniform throughout and the scores will be considered only in case of a tie i.e. if no team is able to push the opponent’s robot out of the arena in that round.
5. In case of a tie in a round (i.e. none of the team’s robot is able to push the opposition robot out of the arena), the winner will be decided by the points earned by each team in that round.
6. In case of a tie in the match, the winner of the match will be decided by a tie breaker.